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What’s New in PFAS Research and Regulations in 2024

What steps do business and community leaders need to take this year to tackle the PFAS predicament?

Laura McNamara, PE, PMP, APTIM Senior Project Manager and PFAS Lead has more than 22 years of experience performing and managing environmental investigation and remediation projects across the US for the Air Force, Army Corps of Engineers, and Defense Logistics Agency. She is an expert in PFAS investigation, treatment, and management to protect the health of our clients’ environments and communities.THIS WEEK’S CONTRIBUTOR:
Laura McNamara, PE, PMP | Senior Project Manager/PFAS Lead
APTIM | Remediation & Technical Solutions
Laura has more than 22 years of experience performing and managing environmental investigation and remediation projects across the US for the Air Force, Army Corps of Engineers, and Defense Logistics Agency. She is an expert in PFAS investigation, treatment, and management to protect the health of our clients’ environments and communities.


What’s New in PFAS Research and Regulations in 2024

Environmental advocates and policy makers stand at the crossroads of a highly significant juncture this year, as the issue surrounding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) continues to grow in complexity and urgency. These man-made chemicals, commonly found in a myriad of consumer products and associated with various health hazards, have spurred extensive research and a burgeoning call for more stringent regulatory action. What steps do business and community leaders need to take in 2024 to tackle the PFAS predicament?

A Primer on PFAS

PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals,” are renowned for their enduring nature—they don’t break down easily and thus persist in the environment. Their omnipresent existence in water supplies and biological organisms has sounded alarms within the scientific and regulatory communities.

Researchers have linked PFAS exposure to a multitude of health concerns, from developmental issues in fetuses and infants to certain cancers. This grim portrait has catalyzed urgency in understanding and mitigating PFAS in our environment.

Advancements in PFAS Research

In 2024, the scientific community has made significant strides in comprehending the scope of PFAS’s impact. Recently published studies have spotlighted alarming trends:

  • Health Implications: Emerging epidemiological research is suggesting broader implications on public health. Studies tie PFAS exposure not only to cancer and liver damage but also to reduced vaccine effectiveness, hormonal disruption, and even weight gain.
  • Environmental Distribution: New data on the environmental spread of PFAS has shown that these substances are reaching farther than previously thought. They have been detected in polar bears in the Arctic, indicating global distribution due to long-range atmospheric transport.
  • Regulatory Triggers: Threshold levels for PFAS in water, air, and soil that elicit health concerns have been under review. The Environmental Protection Agency’s stance is evolving, suggesting that more chemicals, at lower levels, could pose health risks.
  • Alternative Chemicals: The push for non-toxic alternatives to PFAS in consumer products is accelerating. This puts pressure on industries to innovate cleaner solutions.

These PFAS research findings serve as a clarion call for more robust regulatory frameworks and spark important discussions on rethinking our product and manufacturing standards.

The Landscape of PFAS Regulations

State and federal legislators are not idle observers in the PFAS narrative; they are active participants rewriting the legislative playbook.

  • Federal Action: The EPA has signaled an aggressive regulatory posture. The agency is moving closer to designating PFOS and PFOA (two primary PFAS compounds) along with seven other PFAS as hazardous constituents under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, a step with wide-ranging implications for cleanup efforts.
  • State-by-State Regulations: Individual states are forging their own PFAS regulations, creating a patchwork of rules that can be confusing for businesses. For instance, California has implemented some of the strictest drinking water standards for PFOS and PFOA, while Michigan has set its own rules for PFAS in groundwater.
  • Litigation: With newfound scientific data, litigators are using the “polluter pays” principle to hold companies liable for PFAS contamination. This legal battleground could set precedents for future cases.

The regulatory evolution reflects the growing body of evidence of PFAS harm and illustrates a shift towards more proactive protective measures.

Navigating PFAS as a Business/Community Leader

For business leaders, the escalating scrutiny around PFAS means recalibration and risk management. It’s no longer a question of if but how soon will PFAS regulation impact your business.

  • Demand transparency from suppliers regarding the presence of PFAS in materials or products. This will help establish a chain of responsibility in current and future contamination cases.
  • Take a proactive stance on PFAS mitigation. Investing in cleaner production technologies and preemptive contaminant testing can shield businesses from future liabilities.
  • Engage with local communities to foster trust and cooperation. Community-driven solutions, such as filtration systems for drinking water, can be part of a responsible corporate approach.

For community leaders, the local manifestations of PFAS presence can be one of the most challenging issues to handle.

  • Navigate public concern with transparency and clear, science-based communication around PFAS. This calls for effective crisis management strategies.
  • Advocate for policy changes that protect their residents. Collaborating with advocacy groups can amplify voices and push for necessary reforms.
  • Engage in local cleanup initiatives as a hands-on approach to mitigating PFAS pollution. Leveraging resources and technology for cleanups can have immediate, positive impacts.

Successfully navigating the PFAS labyrinth requires a multi-stakeholder approach with proactive, transparent communication and forward-thinking strategies.

APTIM’s Role in the PFAS Equation

APTIM, at the forefront of environmental consulting and remediation services, is a crucial resource for entities grappling with the PFAS challenge.

The confluence of groundbreaking PFAS research and evolving regulations presents challenges but also opportunities for proactive, responsible action. APTIM is poised to be your valuable ally in the collective mission to safeguard our environment and public health from the perils of PFAS. Through concerted, collaborative effort, we can empower our communities and industries to break the cycle of PFAS pollution and work toward a world where our environment—and the life it sustains—can thrive.

APTIM. In Pursuit of Better.

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