Embracing Workplace Safety:
Five Ways that APTIM Observes National Safety Month 24/7/365
In honor of National Safety Month, APTIM Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) teammates share their perspective on APTIM’s leading safety culture with blog posts throughout June.
Maura Mastriani, CSP, Sr. HSE Manager
APTIM | Construction, Operations & Maintenance
Maura has more than two decades of experience in the health, safety, and environmental field in Hawaii and throughout the Pacific. She is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) with a bachelor’s in environmental science from the University of Vermont School of Natural Resources.
Embracing Workplace Safety: Five Ways that APTIM Observes National Safety Month 24/7/365
As APTIM’s teams across the globe join in the National Safety Council’s observance of National Safety Month throughout June, we take this opportunity to examine how safety principles are woven into the way we do business and the values we hold as an organization. But our success rests on the expertise, professionalism, and quality of our employees who embrace those elements every day. Here are five ways that APTIM observes National Safety Month 24/7/365.
1) Living Our Mission Through Workplace Safety
The observance of National Safety Month gives us the opportunity to ask ourselves “What does safety at work mean to us as an organization and why?” It is well understood that safety on the job increases productivity, lowers costs, improves morale, and lowers business risk—in addition to being the law! Beyond those fundamental good business practices, APTIM is guided by our mission to “enhance the quality of the environment, wellbeing of people, resilience of communities, and opportunity for employees to make a difference, not just a living.” When we frame what we do within those parameters, our commitment to the highest standards of safety at work is non-negotiable for our employees, families, teammates, clients, and communities.
2) Delivering Industry-Leading Workplace Safety Performance
At the start of National Safety Month 2024, APTIM can be proud of the hard work and commitment all of our teams have put in to keep our company standing out as an industry leader in safety, with average worker injury rates among the best 20 percent of the industry and continuing to improve. Our continual focus on workplace safety has led us to drive down our number of recordable injuries by 57 percent year to date in 2024. While we believe that even one employee injured on the job is too many, these numbers are a testament to the diligence and care that every single APTIM team member puts into working safely on projects that are often high-hazard and complex.
Whether it is disaster response, hazardous waste site remediation, nuclear decommissioning, oil and gas infrastructure maintenance, or any of our other critical infrastructure and environmental capabilities, APTIM has demonstrated the commitment to conducting high-risk work safely and stands as an example of how workplace safety is an important element of delivering industry-leading performance.
3) Winning National Awards for Our Workplace Safety
APTIM won the 2023 National Safety Council Green Cross for Safety Innovation Award, which annually recognizes a new or novel approach that successfully addresses a long-held safety challenge. APTIM is responsible for the repair and maintenance of more than 90,000 fuel infrastructure assets for the US Department of Defense in dozens of remote locations throughout the US, including isolated Pacific Islands and US military facilities in Japan and Korea.
To address the limitation on safety planning and communication between field crews and home-based engineers and managers many time zones away, APTIM Integrated a suite of digital construction management and 3D graphic tools, the APTIM Maintenance Platform, along with the APTIM Incident Management tool to provide an electronic means of group communication, real-time engagement, and seamless field interaction with safety and engineering support teams to ensure that the entire field team can complete their work safely every day.
4) Developing Industry Best Practices in Workplace Safety
Safety is ingrained with everything we do because we understand first-hand how the fundamentals of a strong safety program benefit and align with the high standards of quality and industry-leading performance we deliver to our clients and our communities. We continue to develop and adopt industry best practices to assist us in managing risks and preventing incidents, including tools such as:
- Behavior-Based Safety
- Human Performance Improvement
- Health, Safety, Environmental, and Quality Training Programs
- Incident Management and Lessons Learned
- Risk Assessment, Review, and Mitigation
- Safety Culture and Engagement
5) Observing National Safety Month
Throughout the month of June, we use the designation of National Safety Month as a time to look critically at how we are doing in living our safety values at work, at home, and in our communities. APTIM’s overarching Health, Safety & Environmental Policy identifies three values critical to our HSE program: accountability, culture, and empowerment. We kick off the month-long observation with a company-wide Safety Stand Down to pause and reflect on our successes as well as our challenges, review the hazards inherent to our work and the controls that we implement to mitigate them, and remind everyone that safety begins with each of us working together and committing to safety every day for ourselves and each other.
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