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Excavation, Groundwater Extraction, In Situ Bioremediation, and In Situ Chemical Oxidation to Treat Large Commingled cVOC Plumes

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APTIM Authors/Contributors

  • Robert Mayer, Senior Environmental Scientist
  • Jack Koelsch, Project Manager, Environmental Services
  • Kimberly Chambers, Project Manager, Environmental Sciences
  • Michael Gunderson, Senior Geologist


At the former Fort Gillem located in Forest Park, Georgia, a large chlorinated volatile organic (cVOC) groundwater plume is present and is being treated by addressing contaminants in the soil and in both the saturated overburden and bedrock groundwater units. Historically, disposal areas were on the property and have contributed to the dilute groundwater plume observed on and off the former Fort Gillem.

The concentrations of total VOC range from levels near the site remediation goals to over 110,000 µg/L. The cVOC plume consists of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA), trichloroethene (TCE), carbon tetrachloride, and degradation products. To reduce cVOCs to below the remediation goals, which are near the maximum contaminant levels (MCL) and prevent contaminants from continuing to migrate downgradient, multiple approaches have been used, which include excavations, dual phase extraction (DPE) systems, in situ bioremediation (ISB), and in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO).

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